It gives a frighteningly upclose view of strep ...
Well .. that or something nasty ... if someone questions my rating of 7 on violence , its because after playing this for about 2 hours ( in one 45 minute straight run ) , i began to contemplate what was happening to the virtual body in the game . And it had to be a horrible case of strep , and bruising in someone's throat ...
Very Nasty ..
That said .. this is a very well thought out concept , and very fun no brainer game . I clicked , dragged , and dropped my brain out , and i loved every infected second of it . The music is intoxicating , and the art design is great ( everything is very clear , and well drawn ) . And it all flows very smoothly .
In fact , this should be developed as a Nintendo DS minigame , as it is that good . And the platform would be perfect for its style of play .
The last thing i have to say is , my fingers hurt , i think i bruised my wrist playing , and i think i may have killed a virtual human from the inside out . Thank you very much for that Manuel Fallmann ...